Large, Small, and Mini Breed Socialization

Are you unsure about which class to take at the Gas City Dog Club? The following is a comprehensive description of each type of class offered at our club. Ranging from basic obedience to specialized courses like agility or scent work, there's a lot for your dog to learn!

Important notes regarding all classes

Large, Small, and Mini Breed Socialization


Sundays -   See Time schedule below

1:00 - 1:45 - Miniature & Small Breed  

2:00 – 2:45 PM - Large Breed

3:00 - 3:45 - Puppy

4:00 - 4:45 PM – Medium Breed


Due to its informal nature, socialization is often neglected as a serious area of training. But at the Gas City Dog Club, we believe it's very important to ensure your dog can act sociably around other dogs and people. Socialization is a life-long skill for your dog to develop. These drop-ins are offered year-round and can deliver very important lessons to both you and your dog. The more a dog attends socialization sessions, the more they feel comfortable and want to have fun. Your dog will become familiar with the environment and make friendships with other dogs they keep meeting. A large portion of socialization is play, which is great for giving your dog exercise as well.

Training Prerequisite: None

What to Expect

These classes are on Sundays and are scheduled at specific times depending on the size of the dog.  It gives the dogs a chance to get used to other dogs and people in a controlled setting while off-leash with the goals of:

  • Allowing the dog to play and socialize with other dogs with handler intervention only if needed
  • Teaching handlers to recognize nonverbal communication cues sent between dogs
  • Teaching handlers what different behaviors and cues mean in different contexts
  • Teaching handlers how to recognize both play and conflict between dogs, and how to resolve conflicts effectively
  • Teaching the dogs to check in with, and respond to their owners call when off leash even with lots of distractions

Next Steps: If your dog enjoys socialization sessions, consider a more formal course in obedience, scent work, or agility, among others.

Once registered and attending a class - please follow us on the Gas City Dog Club Facebook page to be aware of any class announcements!

Thank you! Your submission has been received!  Class registrants will be contacted by phone the week before classes start to confirm course details.
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Sundays -   See Time schedule below

1:00 - 1:45 - Miniature & Small Breed  

2:00 – 2:45 PM - Large Breed

3:00 - 3:45 - Puppy

4:00 - 4:45 PM – Medium Breed

No drop-in sessions during the holiday season. Last drop-in for 2024 - December 22.

Sessions will start again on January 5, 2025

Pre-Registration Not Required

Registration Fee: $10.00/drop-in session or $100 for a12-session punch card

NOTE:  In order to provide the best possible experience for dog and handler, the Gas City Dog Club reserves the right to control the number of dogs present in the training room during the drop-in session.

Other Classes

Important Notes Regarding All Classes

The following points apply to all classes offered at the Gas City Dog Club.

For more information, please call (403) 528-DOGS(3647). You can also call Sterling Hinch at (403) 526-6779. Please leave a message if not answered right away.